


Welcome to Health, Wealth, and Your Happiness - Where Health Meets Delicious!

My name is Dolores, owner of Health, Wealth, and Your Happiness. I now believe in the power of plants to nourish and heal your body and transform your health. Food really is our medicine. Allow me to tell you my story.

I grew up in a big meat, cheese, sugar, pizza, and bread-eating family. All were overweight and sick all the time. By the time I reached the age of 21, I was overwhelmed by allergies, insomnia, migraines, depression and obesity. A well- known German nutritionist offered to create a nutritional  program for me that changed my life forever! I chose to follow his direction to eliminate all sugar, refined foods and dairy from my diet. As a result, all of my ailments ceased. Food for me consisted of white fish, green juice, and large green salads with apple cider vinegar and lemon and sea salt. I have been able to stay completely clear of white sugar and refined foods now for 52 years.

Later in life, at the urging of doctors and nutritionists, I added dairy and animal protein to my diet. Before I knew it I had an onslaught of depression and multiple health problems that I never saw coming.   I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and cancer with the assured expectation of a painfully slow end.  Soon I weighed over 300 pounds, had no cartilage left in my hip,  and was told I would never walk again. And, because I was constantly in such intense pain, I could not sleep. Since I was already awake in distress I decided to use my nights for prayerful and extensive research. I did a Google search: “non-medical reversal of all inflammatory illnesses.” I was fascinated to see the findings of hundreds of reputable scientists, doctors and nutritionists - a  surprisingly unanimous answer - a raw plant-based diet that promised the reversal of these life-defying illnesses in just three days! After reading over 50 books, I chose to begin a 100% raw plant-based program of the Hippocrates Institute.  I have not been ill nor had so much as a cold since 2014, shed 200 pounds and have enjoyed delicious plant-based foods ever since, helping countless others to do the same.


Dolores Paliocha

  1. Trinity College, BA, Psychology and Pre-Medical Studies
  2. Landmark Education NYC Operating at an Extraordinary Level as a Human Being
  3. Alex Rossmann Training “Health Matters”
  4. Dr. Joel Fuhrman 'Eat to Live' Coaching
  5. Schwartzman Estates – Master Chef – Palos Verdes Estates, California; 2000-2001
  6. Azara Productions – Nutritional Plant-based Coaching Workshops; 2001 to present
  7. Azara Productions – Life Coaching – Private Sessions and Group Workshops; 2001 to present

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Songwriting Session

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Journal Corner

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Vocal Studio
